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List of enemies in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate.

Official art[]

Enemy Data[]

Enemy Data: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate (edit)
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
MoF-Shadow Crawler-Bestiary Shadow Crawler  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
When the doors to the Shadow Plane were opened, a horde of bloodthirsty creatures invaded our world, terrorizing mankind. Made up of pure darkness, they feed on the fear of their victims who they tear apart and devour without mercy. Prologue
Scaven Scaven  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
These reanimated corpses eat and infect the dead remains of other creatures, with many sections of the castle threatening to become infested with them. The scavens are a sort of living dead, commanded by the Night Watchman whose power has transcended the limits of witchcraft to take on a more tangible and dangerous form. Weak: Throwing Axe, Oil Flask, Bat Projectile
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 25
Exp: 10
Drop: 10 Magic
Castle Hall, Terrace
FlyingScaven Flying Scaven  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Some scavens mutate with violent convulsions to develop wings that they use to rise well above their terrestrial prey. Often pouncing on unsuspecting visitors and feeding on their still living bodies, these creatures suck the very soul out of any unfortunate enough to come across them. Weak: Throwing Axe, Oil Flask
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 50
Exp: 35
Drop: 15 Magic
Castle Hall
MoFZombie Zombie  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Bitten, infected and stripped of the slightest power of reason, many humans have ended up lost in the castle in search of fresh brains. Their clumsy attacks and fragile bodies are compensated for by their ironclad insistence on devouring their victims, even after being dismembered. Weak: Throwing Axe, Oil Flask
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 20
Exp: 5
Drop: 5 Magic
Cursed Village, Castle's Outer Wall, Deadly Waterfalls, Guards Room
RottenZombie Rotten Zombie  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Subjected to putrefaction over many years, some zombies have become lethal corpses capable of mutilating themselves to reach their prey. Both their fragile flesh, yellowed by puss and their brittle bones, incapable of keeping them upright represent an unpleasant threat to those who think they are safe behind any barrier. Weak: Throwing Axe, Oil Flask, Spirit of Schneider, Boomerang, Electric Bomb
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 35
Exp: 5
Drop: 5 Magic
Cells, Inner Cells, Courtyard, Crypt's Labyrinth
MoFHarpy Harpy  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
As lethal as a bird of prey and as elegant as a woman, the harpies have become an organized tribe of warriors that nest beneath the fortress. In the firm belief that the flesh of their prey will give them vigour and eternal life, they have become fanatical killers, organizing expeditions inside the castle to hunt. Strong: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 75
Exp: 15
Drop: 10 Magic
Forgotten Caves, Deadly Waterfalls, Inner Cells, Abandoned Mine
MoF-Harpy Leader-Bestiary Harpy Leader  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Only the best harpy warriors live long enough to proclaim themselves leaders of the flock. The changes to their physical form include color changes to their wings and an ear piercing shriek that can root their prey to the spot. Strong: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 95
Exp: 35
Drop: 15 Magic
Terrace, Ballroom, Abandoned Mine
MoFMerman Merman  [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Somewhere during the evolution between fish and men, these intelligent beings learned to move onto dry land in search of new prey. With a deep survival instinct, the mermen organize search parties and lay ambush for anyone unsuspecting who comes near water. Weak: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 65
Exp: 20
Drop: 10 Magic
Forgotten Caves, Deadly Waterfalls
ElectricMerman Electric Merman  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
An elite group of mermen have adapted skin membranes that generate powerful electrical currents. Whilst on land, they can conduct this electricity through the wet ground, thus stunning their adversaries before pouncing to devour them. Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 85
Exp: 45
Drop: 20 Magic
Abandoned Mine, Kitchen
HunterMerman Hunter Merman  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Some mermen have developed special glands in their mouths which deliver a powerful toxin. This sticky substance is spat on their prey, rendering their enemies completely paralyzed. Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 125
Exp: 75
Drop: 20 Magic
Cells, Vertical Prison, Abandoned Mine
MoF-Merman Tadpole-Bestiary Merman Tadpole  [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
During hunting forays on the surface, the mermen throw live captives to their offspring awaiting below the surface. Although not yet fully developed, the tadpoles have jaw dimensions similar to that of their parents, which they use to tear apart the bodies of their prey. HP: Cannot be damaged
Drop: 10 Magic
Forgotten Caves, Abandoned Mine, Cells, Vertical Prison
MoFSkeletonWarrior Skeleton Warrior  [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Despite being dead, the remains of these warriors retain an echo of what they once were when alive and so continue to defend the castle. Loyal to their new lord, they keep watch tirelessly over every corner of the fortress, hunting intruders and never abandoning their posts for as long as their bones endure. Weak: Boomerang
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 80
Exp: 25
Drop: 10 Magic
Cells, Inner Cells, Vertical Prison, Courtyard, Belfry, Castle Entrance, Crypt, Cemetery
ArmoredSkeleton Armored Skeleton  (Armor Skeleton) - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Fearsome to behold and much more skilled than the rest of the castle denizens, armored skeletons hold a special place of honor amongst the armies of the Dragon. The same spell that keeps them on their feet is also used to fill them with the false hope that they continue to serve the cause for which they were trained in life. Weak: Boomerang
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 225
Exp: 65
Drop: 25 Magic
Castle Entrance, Crypt, Cemetery, Entrance Bridge, Guards Room
MoFWerewolf Werewolf  (Lycanthrope) - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
During the dark years of the Lords of Shadow's reign, hundreds of humans were bitten by werewolves and infected with their cursed blood. Dominated by their instincts and rid of their leader Cornell, they occupy the castle to worship their new alpha male, the Prince of Darkness himself. Weak: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 100
Exp: 50
Drop: 15 Magic
Ballroom, Library, Toy Maker's Funfair, Games Room
MoFHunchback Hunchback  (Fleaman) - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
A group of nomadic dwarves settled inside the castle and began to work on its reconstruction, as if it were their own home. Apparently harmless, they have survived thanks to their cunning, teamwork and disgusting gastronomical taste based on different ways of cooking carrion found along the way. Weak: Throwing Axe, Boomerang
Difficulty: 1/5
HP: 35
Exp: 15
Drop: 5 Magic
Kitchen, Library, Guards Room, Belfry
HunchbackTroop Hunchback Troop  (Fleaman Troop) - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
When threatened, the hunchbacks come together to form a greater force. After drawing lots for their combat positions, they charge blindly against any creature that is hostile. For the duration of the fight, they never separate and never give up until they have a new course to add to the soup. Weak: Boomerang
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 240
Exp: 70
Drop: 15 Magic
Kitchen, Toy Maker's Workshop, Carousel's Engine, Guards Room
MacabrePuppet Macabre Puppet  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The souls of the many who dared to enter the domain of the Dragon are forcefully removed from their bodies to be confined inside macabre wooden puppets. On the other end of the strings is the Toy Maker who amuses himself by acting out his mortal play with new strangers. Weak: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 60
Exp: 30
Drop: 10 Magic
MacabrePuppetUnleashed Macabre Puppet Unleashed  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Some puppets have been released from their master's hold and attack their enemies with random abandon. Their freedom of movement enables them to spin around like tops executing quick charge attacks against their targets. Weak: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 90
Exp: 40
Drop: 15 Magic
Theatre, Toys Assembly Line, Toy Maker's Workshop, Resurrection Room
MoFMagicBook Magic Book  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The search for immortality has caused many wizards to use their dying breath to commit their souls within heavy tomes of parchment. These pages permeate with the dark powers of their authors and so are able to write cruel endings for those valiant enough to confront them. Strong: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 50
Exp: 25
Drop: 25 Magic
Library, Toy Maker's Funfair, Toys Assembly Line, Toy Maker's Workshop
MoFGargoyle Gargoyle  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
From their stone nests perched high upon the castle, the gargoyles have patiently watched many battles, triumphs and defeats. Centuries after being sculpted, the enigmatic Toy Maker gave them the gift of life, enabling them to finally use their knowledge of war. Strong: Oil Flask
Weak: Boomerang
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 175
Exp: 80
Drop: 20 Magic
Main Tower Outside, Belfry, Vampire's Tower, Throne Entrance, Abandoned Mine
MoFGiantBat Giant Bat  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
With the arrival of the vampires, the bats accustomed to the darkness and putrefaction of the lower sections of the castle, began to feed on the blood that their new masters offered them. Quickly, these tiny, defenseless creatures grew disproportionately and became dangerous predators, devouring creatures that had once preyed upon them. Weak: Boomerang
Difficulty: 2/5
HP: 95
Exp: 60
Unholy Church, Castle Hall, Games Room, Cells, Vertical Prison
KnightVampire Knight Vampire  (Vampire Knight) [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Following the death of Carmilla and Laura: a new, purer lineage of vampire arose in the castle formed via a deep bond with their new lord. This species is characterized by its cunning, speed and savage cruelty in combat. The next stage of vampire evolution has produced a species that is both beauty and the beast with an insatiable blood lust. Difficulty: 3/5
HP: 250
Exp: 90
Drop: 30 Magic
Vampire's Tower, Throne Entrance, Castle Hall
MoF-Wraith-Bestiary Wraith  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Wraiths have always been a part of popular folklore as the oldest residents of sinister castles. Their presence at the fortress is no coincidence, as within its walls terrible murders were committed that have bound the souls of the victims to the memories of the violent acts committed there. Library (never fought)
MoF-Witches-Bestiary Witches  [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Cursed from birth and indoctrinated by their sisters in the art of dark magic, the witches have spent centuries hiding from the world in the depths of the earth. Subjugated by the power of the new Dark Lord, they use their knowledge of the dark arts in the Shadow Plane to attempt to defeat him and claim their dominion of the castle. Abandoned Mine (never fought)
PossessedArmor Possessed Armor  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The spirits wandering the castle, tire of the living that disturb their rest and so possess the enormous suits of armor that adorn the corridors. With their enormous mace, they easily smash the unwary, while the hard armor protects their cold inner flame. Difficulty: 3/5
HP: 650
Exp: 175
Drop: 50 Magic (x2)
Castle Entrance, Castle Hall, Guards Room, Belfry
MoFExecutioner Executioner  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The hunchbacks have managed to dominate these once gentle giants by means of larvae inserted into their brains. Their colossal size and disproportionate strength make them brutal tools of war. However, their value as allies is often counteracted by fearsome outbursts of fury that make them unpredictable in combat. Difficulty: 4/5
HP: 1400
Exp: 350
Drop: 100 Magic (x2)
Entrance Bridge, Abandoned Mine
NightWatchman Night Watchman  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Although dead for many years, a terrible curse has prevented the Night Watchman from leaving the world of the living. His only reason to exist is to keep the torches and lanterns lit, keeping intruders away. Accompanied by his scavens, he wanders the castle corridors until the breeze that comes when a new visitor arrives causes his cold and prized light to flicker once again. Difficulty: 3/5
HP: 1200
Exp: 500
Castle Hall
MoFNecromancer Necromancer  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The Necromancer's mission is to seize Trevor's powerful combat cross for its master, Zobek, Lord of the Dead. Having been promised the return of its soul for successful delivery of the weapon, the Necromancer is a dangerous foe intent on completing its task, no matter what. Strong: Oil Flask
Difficulty: 4/5
HP: 900
Exp: 750
MoFSuccubus Succubus  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
This sensual and intoxicating creature has the appearance of a woman yet originates from the underworld and is intent on securing favor with her new master. From her illusory world, created from the fantasies of men, she awaits the arrival of heroes to seduce, subjecting them to temptation then ultimately offering them up to her liege lord. Strong: Oil Flask
Weak: Spirit of Schneider
Difficulty: 4/5
HP: 900
Exp: 1000
Drop: 25 Magic (x3)
ReaverBestiary Reaver  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The remains of the Night Watchman transform into a creature with a voracious appetite and insatiable need to move through the rooms of the castle in search of meat with which to strengthen itself. Its putrid body, covered with a dense mop of hair, hide the true nature of its supernatural origin, formed from hundreds of corpses it has devoured. Strong: Bat Projectile
Difficulty: 4/5
HP: 1000
Exp: 1500
Drop: 5 Magic
MoF-Daemon Lord-Bestiary Daemon Lord  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Although defeated and humiliated by Gabriel many years ago, this powerful creature has been released by the witches to once again challenge its nemesis. Harboring a profound hatred, it has sworn to destroy the offspring of its enemy before returning to the Shadow Plane whence it came. Fought through quick-time event that starts in the Abandoned Mine and ends in the Belfry
DaemonLordRessurected Daemon Lord Resurrected  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
The remains of the daemon were assembled by the Toy Maker and made into a horrific parody of its former self. Despite the rage that still flows through its new mechanical joints, the beast has learned to control its daemonic powers to hunt the souls its master needs in his macabre experiments. Strong: Bat Projectile
Difficulty: 4/5
HP: 1200
Exp: 2000
Drop: 50 Magic (x20)
Towers' Link, Resurrection Room
LadyoftheCrypt Lady of the Crypt  [alt] - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
Although known by the title of "lady", due to the female appearance of its appendage, this mysterious creature is actually an enormous deformed insect that lives in the depths of the crypt. For centuries, the cunning beast has grown feeding on the damned thrown into its dark pit, whilst in the process learning to imitate them in order to lure new prey. Strong: Boomerang
Difficulty: 3/5
HP: 750
Exp: 1000
Lady of the Crypt's Chamber
MoFDraculaBestiary Dracula  - Mirror of Fate [ edit ]
A former knight chosen by the Brotherhood to defeat the Lords of Shadow and restore light to the world, Gabriel fulfilled his mission but at a heavy price. Tormented by the death of his wife, betrayed by his faith and led down a path to eternal darkness, he returns from oblivion to the highest tower of the castle, in search of revenge on those who wronged him. Strong: Bat Projectile, Stopwatch, Boomerang, Electric Bomb
Difficulty: 5/5
HP: 1200 (Act II), 1500 (Act III)
Exp: 2500 (Act II), 3000 (Act III)
Throne Room, Mirror of Fate
Weapons: Shadow Whip (Act II), Void Sword, Chaos Claws (Act III)
Allies: Simon (mind controlled, Act III, Combat Cross, Throwing Axe (Arc Throw))

Other castle inhabitants[]

See also[]

External links[]

Playable characters
Trevor BelmontSimon BelmontAlucardGabriel Belmont
Supporting cast
Sypha BelmontBrotherhood of LightLost Soul
NecromancerDaemon LordDracula
Abandoned MineBallroomBelfryCarousel's EngineCastle EntranceCastle HallCastle's Outer WallCellsCemeteryClock RoomClock TowerCourtyardCryptCrypt's LabyrinthCursed VillageDeadly WaterfallsEntrance BridgeForgotten CavesGames RoomGuards RoomInner CellsKitchenLady of the Crypt's ChamberLibraryMain Tower OutsideMirror of FatePrologueResurrection RoomTerraceTheatreThrone EntranceThrone RoomToys Assembly LineToy Maker's FunfairToy Maker's WorkshopTowers' LinkUnholy ChurchVampire's TowerVertical Prison
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate Original Game Soundtrack
Lords of ShadowMirror of FateLords of Shadow 2